Our first ever Open Meeting of the Friends (on June 16, 2021) was a great success with over 33 Friends Zooming in! The Friends Board and Advisors presented the attached slide deck (below), and we had great discussions, collaborations and suggestions from our attendees (below.) Thank you to those who joined us!
During the summer, the Friends Board and Advisors will continue to meet amongst ourselves and with the Town and Indigo. The main goal of these meetings will be to follow and support the Town and Indigo’s restoration work for a successful November 1st course opening.
How can you help during the summer?
Help us increase our Friends group numbers. Currently, we have a total of 220 Friends. Our goal is at least 500 Friends by the fall. We can reach this goal if everyone receiving this email encourages at least one person to join the Friends. Please ‘talk up’ the Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf to your friends, relatives, business associates etc. and encourage them to join us! Our Join Us form may be found at https://www.friendsofpuschridgegolf.org/join
Stay informed and support the Town by liking, following, and sharing the Town owned and managed social media platforms and their posts.
ElConGolf.com (for newsletter signup and more): https://www.elcongolf.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElConGolf
Mobile app: https://www.elcongolf.com/mobile-app
3. Plan to attend our next Friends Open Zoom Meeting on August 19th at 3:00 pm (Tucson time.) Representatives from the Town and Indigo Golf will join us and share their updates on the course restoration and any marketing efforts. Meeting details will be sent later this summer.
Again - thank you!
Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf Board and Advisors
View the ideas, suggestions and thoughts exchanged during the meeting here
View the meeting PowerPoint slides here